Forest Carbon

Climate change can seem like an overwhelming challenge, and it can be difficult to find meaningful ways to make a difference. The good news is that as a forest landowner, or as someone who helps to steward forests, you can have a significant impact on climate change through the land-use decisions you make—specifically your decisions about the future use and management of your forest. These land-use decisions play a regionally and globally important role in reducing the effects of climate change. Forests are, in fact, an essential natural solution to climate change.

Many landowners have begun to ask how their forest management strategy affects the carbon within their forest and thus the forest’s ability to mitigate climate change. Every strategy has its tradeoffs; therefore, to meet all of society’s needs, we will ultimately need a mix of passive and active strategies across the region. What role will your forest play?

To learn more, download the "Forest Carbon: An essential natural solution to climate change" PDF (5 MB) or request a free copy by e-mailing Paul Catanzaro.

Selling Carbon Credits

There are ongoing efforts to establish programs to pay landowners for the carbon they are able to sequester and store in their forests.  Learn more about selling carbon credits.


American Forest Foundation's Family Forest Carbon Program

Family forest owners collectively own over one-third of forests in the US and therefore can have an immense impact in addressing climate change through their woodlands. Carbon markets provide revenue to forest owners by selling carbon credits to interested companies and buyers. However, family forest owners typically own smaller parcels and were previously excluded from this market. The American Forest Foundation partnered with The Nature Conservancy to develop the Family Forest Carbon Program. This new approach is specifically designed to empower family forest owners to engage in the carbon market and lower the barriers to entry. Click here to learn more.