Newly Revised Forestry Best Management Practices Manual

Forestry best management practices play a critical role in implementing sound forest management. 

In Massachusetts, forestry best management practices also play a critical role in meeting the requirements of the Forest Cutting Practices Act and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.

In addition, forestry best management practices are also referenced in conservation restrictions to help guide appropriate forest management on conserved land.

The last printing of the Massachusetts Forestry Best Management Practices manual was in 1999.  In the time since the last printing many things have changed. Foresters are now licensed, the use of conservation restrictions has increased, we are more aware of the spread of exotic-invasive plants and insects, biomass for energy production has grown, new sediment control structures are available, and the internet has become an important source of information.

A revised MA Forestry BMP manual has been developed through a partnership between UMass and MA DCR Service Forestry Program.  This second edition is intended to update, improve, and replace the 1999 first edition of the manual and is now the current edition referenced in the Forest Cutting Practices Act regulations.

Though many things have changed since the last printing, it is very important to underscore that the regulations have not changed!  Therefore, the intent of this update is to make the forestry BMP manual current while continuing to implement the existing regulations.  

Download a PDF of the updated Massachusetts Forestry BMP manual.  To request free hard copies, contact Paul Catanzaro at or (413) 545-4839.