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Find a Professional

Land trusts, foresters, estate planning professionals and neighbors with conservation training working in your town.

Contact Information for Resources in Boxborough


Land Trust

A land trust is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that actively works to conserve land as a part of its mission.

Public Conservation Agency

A state government agency who conserves land as a part of its mission.

Estate Planning Attorney

Lawyers who specialize in estate planning, conservation law, and/or land use.

Certified Public Accountant

A Certified Public Accountant is a licensed professional who understands tax codes and specializes in helping individuals prepare tax returns.


Appraisers familiar with valuing land for conservation purposes.  Click the link below to view the list.


A person who determines the boundaries of a piece of land through deed research and the use of specialized measuring tools.

Certified Financial Planner

A Certified Financial Planner is a professional who can help you set and achieve your long-term financial goals through investment, income, and retirement planning.

Conservation Organizations

A conservation organization is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation of natural resources.


Service Forester

A service forester is an employee of the state forestry agency who can speak with you and visit your land to provide free advice on management options and program opportunities.

Private Foresters

A private forester is a licensed professional forester that can assist you in managing your woods. There are two types of private foresters.  Consulting foresters generally work independently or in small firms and are paid directly by the landowner.  Industrial Foresters are employed by a sawmill or other wood-using industry.