Please report prices paid for timber during the previous quarter. Please report stumpage (i.e., not roadside) sawtimber prices in $ per Mbf International and fill out one form for each sale you would like to report. You are a: Consulting forester Public lands forester Industrial forester Independent logger or buyer Sawmiller Utility forester Red Oak White Oak Other Oaks Ash Cherry Sugar Maple Red Maple Tulip Poplar Yellow Birch Black Birch Paper Birch Beech Pallet Hdwd* Other Hardwood White Pine Red Pine Hemlock Spruce Other Sfwd Poles, hardwd ($/linear ft) Poles, softwd ($/linear ft) Fuelwood ($/cd) Pulpwood ($/ton) Biomass ($/ton) Location: E or W of Connecticut River * East West Sale type lump-sum mill-tally On this sale, are you reporting for the: buyer seller Sale size: <50 MBF 51-100 MBF >100 MBF * Pallet hdwd= mixed low quality hardwood. On some sales, a single price may be paid for this material. You may want to report a "Pallet" price, rather than individual species prices. Comment on market conditions or trends: CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.